This page lists regularly scheduled groups for adults. Note that we other events and ministries that are covered on the home page and/or the church calendar.
Meeting Sunday mornings concurrent with Preschool, Children's Sunday School, and Youth Small Groups.
Weekday Bible Studies
Meet weekly during the school year.
Base Chapel Bible Study
Please join us Tuesdays at noon for an on-base study at the MWR Rec. Center in The Brow Cafe (adjacent to the Subway). Base access is required. See Jeff Bryant for additional information.
Young Adults' Fellowship
Please join us for our Tuesday night fellowships. We have a Bible study every other week, and just a time of fellowship on the alternate Tuesdays. Contact Rusty Thomas for details.
Men's Alliance (external link)
Meets Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. (starting February 15)
55+ social fellowship
Meets monthly during the school year.