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Be Active, Live Longer (BALL)

BALL is a fellowship opportunity for those 55+ that generally meets on the third Wednesdays monthly during the school year for fun social events. BALL is open to both members and visitors from the community.

2024-2025 BALL Events

September 18 – Potluck luncheon (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Theme: Back to School! Bring a main dish, side or dessert that reminds you of lunch in the school cafeteria

October 16 – Potluck luncheon (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Theme: Fall Harvest. Bring your favorite fall dish, stew, or soup; sides; or an apple- or pumpkin-inspired dessert

November 14 – Montpelier/lunch in Orange (Note that this is on the 2nd Thursday--an exception to the norm.)

December 18 – Christmas Potluck (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Turkey and roast beef will be provided; please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share. We will have a gift exchange again!

January 15 – Potluck luncheon (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Theme: Chili Cook-off! Bring your favorite pot of chili; sides and desserts are also welcome. Who will be the Chili Champion this year?

February 22 RESCHEDULED – Tea at Belle Grove Plantation at 1:00 p.m.

March 19 – Potluck luncheon (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Theme: Spring Brunch; please bring a main dish, side or dessert.

April 16 – Fredericksburg Trolley/Lunch in Old Town

May 21 – Potluck luncheon (11:00 a.m., Youth Zone); Theme: International Cuisine; bring a main dish, side or dessert that represents another country. B.A.L.L. members that have taken trips will share pictures and stories of their adventures overseas.