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Oakland offers classes periodically to help current and prospective members learn about Oakland and to develop in their faith. Recurring classes include the following:

Kid Faith & Baptism Class
Next class TBD.
Is your child asking questions? Pastor Scott & Jennifer might have the answers. Scott will cover some of the basic questions regarding: faith, salvation and baptism; and will attempt to field any questions they may have.

Oakland 101 - Orientation to Oakland
Next class TBD.

This is an opportunity to get to know us better. The informal session will provide an understanding of Oakland's Mission, Beliefs, and Ministry Strategy.

  • Mission: Make Disciples
  • Beliefs: Oakland Statement of Faith
  • Strategy: (You'll need to come to hear that.)
  • Membership: Attending this session will meet a requirement for membership.
Signup in the Foyer or contact Jeff Bryant.

Breakfast will be provided, and childcare is available or they are welcome to attend with their parents.

Oakland 201 - Spiritual Maturity
Next class TBD.
Our mission is to Make Disciples. OBC 201 is an introduction to growing as a disciple of Christ. Within this 6-week course we will provide teaching and practical application on the fundamentals of discipleship. Topics will include Bible, Prayer, Fellowship, and Lordship. This course will be a launching point, or tune up, for the life-long journey to grow as a disciple of Christ.

Oakland 301 - Ministry Placement
Next class TBD.
We each have been created for ministry and called to serve. OBC 301 reviews God's word in the areas of ministry and service; OBC's structures to encourage engagement; and our individual S.H.A.P.E. which includes spiritual gifts, our progression in faith, and how to make ourselves available to our Lord in two, 2-hr sessions. Preparatory homework is provided so we have more time available for group discussions and we close with a review of current ministry opportunities.

Oakland 401 - Evangelism Training
Next class TBD.
Making Disciples begins with someone becoming a child of God through salvation in Jesus Christ. OBC 401 will better equip you to share your testimony and give a clear presentation of the gospel message. We will also share how you can participate in Oakland’s Outreach Ministries.

Share Faith: The Best News
Next class: sessions starting March 12th and April 2nd.
Learn to share the Gospel in a casual conversation manner. 2-sessions. 1) March 12th & 19th. 2) April 2nd, 9th, and 16th. For more information, or to register,
contact Pastor Scott.