Adult Small Groups meet on Sunday mornings 9:15–10:15. (Go downstairs and grab some coffee beforehand!)
This multi-generational small group has a passion for digging deep to see God’s plan as revealed across the Old and New Testament. They explore books of the Bible within the overall context of scripture. Meeting in the Annex Youth Zone.
Intentionally a multi-generation small group with new parents and grandparents. We welcome singles, couples and single again. Bible Study from LifeWay Explore the Bible, a systematic book by book study of the Bible. Room 102
Like our name, we are a unique group who care for one another and enjoy studying the Bible. We have some seniors, singles and couples. We study the Bible by topics books and specific interest to our members. Room 207
Sharing and caring small group of singles, couples and seniors. Some have years of experience and some with just a few years. We welcome others to join the journey. Bible Study from LifeWay Explore the Bible. Room 210
Married and single women who support one another and live out God’s plan for their lives. They study the Bible with LifeWay material to explore the Bible and apply the lessons for our lives. Room 213
Young adults, from post-high school and college age, meeting to study God’s word and be disciples of Christ. They use Explore the Bible from Lifeway—a systematic book by book study of the Bible. Room 106